December 20, 2024
You Do Not Want A Trade War
The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (LPWI) would like to point out that the only ones who lose out in a trade war are the consumers. Free and open markets are the only way to insure the amount of competition that is required to reduce price and increase quality. Slapping blanket tariffs on everything that moves only insures higher prices, fewer options, or more likely, both.
Canada exported 137 million barrels of oil to the US in September of 2024 alone, accounting for 55% of all of our oil imports that month. China produces at least 25% of the world's output of potatoes, rice, tomatoes, peanuts, and cotton. They are also the #1 producer of over two dozen items that you find in the produce section of your grocery store every day. Much of the off season fruit and vegetables you eat come from Mexican farms.
A trade war can sound good. It is easy to want other countries to, "pay their fair share". Unfortunately, the only ones who pay are American citizens who just want to have something to eat and inexpensive clothes to wear. None of that happens with a blanket 25% tax at the dock or the border.
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Libertarian Party of Wisconsin
Press Secretary—Tim Johnson